Friday, September 19, 2008

What the Bleep Do We Know?

Last week I watched the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and found it quite enlightening, informative and entertaining. It also made me even more interested in learning more about Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction. It was both a documentary and a story with some humor thrown in there. Marlee Matlin was the main character in the story portions of the movie. I caught part of a documentary about a year or so ago about quantum physics and found it really fascinating. This particular movie helped to explain the basics of it in a really interesting and fun way. It's a great way to introduce yourself to the concepts in the science of Q.P. I would definitely recommend watching it! Here is the trailer to the movie:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My First Mind Movie!

Ta da!!! It's done! I have to tell you that in the end, I didn't use either PowerPoint or Open Office! I don't know why "they" say you need powerpoint to make your mind movie. The software they use does allow you to make text pages (those black pages with the white affirmation text). The only problem I saw is that the actual text on those pages doesn't show while you're working unless you're in a particular mode. Regardless, it worked for me and it took me less time to click on my text slides a little more often than it took me to figure out the whole presentation slide software issue. Also, once my picture slides were in place, I had the text slides memorized that went with each of them.

I know I had said that I was a perfectionist and I didn't want to dream for certain things today. I decided to just focus on what's most important in my life today. Peace, harmony, love and joy in my home as well as perfect health for everyone in my family. Also, gratitude for the wonderful things already in my life.

I hope you'll take a peek. And if you want to see about making your own mind movie, you can still get the details and free mind movies here.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sample Mind Movie - Still Working On Mine

OK, so I'm up again working on my mind movie. I think I'm too much of a perfectionist! I went to look around at other people's mind movies and I feel like I better go back to the drawing board and get more focused and detailed in mine! At the same time, I'm almost afraid to wish for some things because they just might come true! What if I wish for a larger house and I get it. That would mean I have to move and I don't think I want to do that, do I? Or if I wish to travel a couple times a year... I hate traveling with my kids and all their gear! See what I'm saying? I'm comfortable where I am at the moment. I guess I'm realizing that perhaps I'm a little nervous to go beyond my comfort zone! Ahhh, the things we learn when we really start poking around in our minds.

So I thought I'd share Ryan 's wealth video for now until I can finish mine. (Ryan is the guy from Mind Movies.) Thanks for your patience!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mind Movies - Visualization Tool

I have so much to catch you up on to bring you up to date. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about everything I want to share.

For starters, I wanted to let you know that I am in the process of trying out Mind Movies. These are short movies you make yourself that include positive affirmations, photos and music and it all comes together in a very powerful visualization tool. That vision board hanging on my wall in my bedroom doesn't move me nearly as much as these movies do!

So, I went to their website the other day and downloaded six free videos to watch on my computer. The topics of these mind movies are: Friends & Family, Health, Money, Spirituality, Perfect Man, Perfect Woman. Watching these videos just make you feel happy and excited that these things are really a part of your life. They are way more moving than any vision board or affirmations by themselves. You can take a look for yourself by going to Mind Movies.

Another video of interest from the Mind Movies people is an interview with Frank Kern. Their video hit home with me when they talked about how sometimes it seems strange to post vision boards around the house or at work, or to repeat affirmations out loud. It just doesn't feel cool. But... making your own Mind Movie... now that's cool! It's like making your own little music video that inspires you, personally. And it sticks in your head even when you're not watching it. If you have a few minutes you might want to watch this very casual video that talks about how Law of Attraction happened to these guys without even realizing it until after it happened. (That has happened to me too, but that's another post.) The video with Frank Kern can be seen here. You can also access the six free mind movies from this link as well.

My computer time is somewhat limited with the kids and other responsibilities, so I stayed up late last night to work on my Mind Movie. I hope to have it finished in the next day to post and share with all of you.

So far, it's been super easy to put it together, minus one little glitch. My computer doesn't have Power Point on it. The instructions for making your Mind Movie uses Power Point for the affirmations. However, they also offer a work around using the rest of the software. I decided though to take the advice of someone and downloaded Open Office which is free office software and they have an application that works just like Power Point. Being the novice at downloading and setting things up, that took me a little longer than anticipated. I know now it was just my lack of experience and it should have been really simple. But it works great! So now I can complete my Mind Movie just as they instruct even without Power Point!

Back to finding those perfect photo images for my Mind Movie. I'll keep you posted! And again, if you want to check out what a Mind Movie is or what one looks like, check out this link here.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Intentions

My intention for starting this blog is to track my efforts at practicing the law of attraction and seeing what I'm able to manifest in my life. I have dabbled for years reading various spiritual books, but took some time away from that. I have dabbled a while at LOA by watching the Secret but not really doing much actual work with it. But I have recently been feeling really ready to give this 110% of my effort. I know that the law of attraction works even if we aren't thinking about it, it's just that most likely in my life and in most peoples lives, we're manifesting negative things or our routine "boring" lives. (OK, my life isn't boring, it's actually pretty good, but I'm ready to dream bigger!) I'm ready to make some changes in my life and want to stay on target. I'm intending that by journaling my experiences as I go along it'll keep me on track and also give others who are unsure whether or not they believe in LOA the opportunity to watch me under a microscope and see what happens to me. Perhaps then they'll feel safe to jump in the water, or be proved that it's all bunk!