Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ask and It Is Given - Dealing with dis-ease

I am also currently reading "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. It's been so enlightening and gives me great hope for manifesting the things in my life that I truly desire.

I found something early in the book that explained something I already believed had happened to me. Two years ago, my 4 1/2 year old son was diagnosed with a dis-ease. We put him on a special diet and some meds and he began to feel great and he also tested 100% clear of this dis-ease a couple months later. We maintained that diet and meds and life was good and we felt very happy that he was doing so well.

And then, for some reason, I decided to seek out others also managing this situation and found a couple support groups and websites and heard some very terrible and extreme stories, things that made me cry myself to sleep at night NOT wanting this to happen to my son. Several times a day I was getting emails about the other parents dealing with their children's dis-ease and kept it in the forefront of my mind. It was heartbreaking and saddening.

Jump to August 2008. My son was still feeling totally great, symptom free, happy and healthy as could be. He had a test just to follow-up and the doctor came out of the operating room with photos that showed things were not doing very well on the inside, despite his lack of symptoms or issues on the outside. My heart sank.

But here's what I truly believe happened. Instead of continuing to focus on my son doing so well and being healthy and normal, I started focusing on what could potentially happen with this dis-ease and just how terrible it could become and I was reminded of it several times a day. I truly believe that putting the vibration out there of "I don't want this illness to turn this bad for my son" did exactly that... make my son's condition worse, not better. Had we continued to put out the vibrations of happiness, health and managing this without any big issue, it would have continued on that way instead.

So when I read in "Ask and It Is Given" on Page 59: about controling conditions I realized that indeed, that is what happened. It says: "Through personal force or strength, or gathering together in groups to gain the feeling of more power or control, they seek to preserve their own Well-Being by attempting to take control of any circumstances that they believe could threaten it. But, in this attraction-based Universe where there is no such thing as exclusion, the harder they push against unwanted things, the more they achieve vibrational alignment with unwanted things - and in doing so, the more they invite unwanted things into their own experience."

This is exactly what happened to me with the support groups and information I found. They were not supportive in a positive way. I have since turned off all such support group emails and no longer have my day interrupted with the latest worst case scenario causing me to focus on what I DON'T want. It feels SO MUCH BETTER, just that step alone. And I talk with my son about getting more and more healthy every day and about how great he feels and how healthy he already is.

To continue on in the book they next discuss "But Whose 'Truth' is the True TRUTH?" Which is a good question because I was wondering if I'm being irresponsible by "denying" the "truth" about this dis-ease. But here is what they say:

"With enough attention to anything, the essence of what you have been giving thought to will eventually become a physical manifestation. And then as others observe your physical manifestation, through their attention to it, they help it to expand. And then, in time, this manifestation, whether it is one that is wanted or not, is called 'Truth'."

"We want you to remember that you have absolute choices about the 'Truths' that you create in your own experience. Once you understand that the only reason anyone ever experiences anything is because of their attention to the subject, then it is easy to see that 'Truth' only exists because someone gave their attention to it. So when you say, 'I should give my attention to such and such, because it is true,' that is the same thing as saying, 'Another gave their attention to something that THEY did not want, and by their attention to it they have invited it into THEIR experience. And since THEY have attracted something unwanted into THEIR experience, I should do it, also."

So, just because someone else gave this dis-ease attention and made it their "Truth" does NOT mean that I need to automatically take it as MY truth, but if I'm not careful and focus on it (through emails and groups) it could very well become my truth even if I don't want it to be.

I hope this has helped enlighten you as much as it has me. This has given me great hope for my son and everyone to be healthy of all dis-ease! It has also made me think twice about the type of support I seek in the future for anything.

I am thoroughly enjoying this book. I'm now reading Part II which talks about many ways to help you feel good and get into a better vibrational thought pattern. I definitely recommend picking this up for anyone who wants to read a clear cut explanation of Law of Attraction and get actual tips and exercised to do which help improve your attraction.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D. and the Biology of Belief

Yesterday I listened to a 2 hour seminar online presented by Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist. I have to say that I'm blown away and giddy with hopefullness for the future!

How I found Bruce Lipton

I was asking questions to people on about using Law of Attraction to help cure dis-ease, specifically for my child. My 4 yo. son was diagnosed with some crazy "uncurable" condition at the age of 2 1/2 that involves allergies and degeneration of the esophagus. Someone pointed me to Dr. Lipton and his scientific findings. I just got his book this week and plan to read it immediately. However, I guess LOA was working in my favor because I had signed up at his website some time ago and got notice of this online seminar and really wanted to listen to it, but it was $20. Anyway, I got an opportunity to listen to it for free so I registered. And here I am, even more interested and fascinated with LOA, Quantum Physics, and the Biology of Belief and how our health and happiness is truly in our hands!

Without repeating the entire seminar I'd like to share a couple things that really hit me. One is that our genetics do not determine our fate. We are not stuck. We are not vicitims as the current world would have us believe. We do not need to rely on the expertise of doctors and specialists and huge drug companies to heal us. We have the power within us. Secondly, that our conscious mind is only working 5% of the day. That is the part that has dreams and desires. However, our actions and behaviors come from our subconscious mind which is working the other 95% of the day. And the subconscious mind works out of habits and patterns that were downloaded as children, many of them limiting. That's why it's so hard for us to actually manifest our dreams... because our subconscious minds are still working from conflicting limiting patterns and habits.

I know this sounds all hocus-pocus to many. Believe me, my husband is one of those people. I've always been quite open minded about things. Yet, I get torn because society tells us to beware of scams and such. But we finally realized the world wasn't flat, so who's to say that what we believe right now, based on science isn't actually wrong and outdated, and that the new science is correct? Especially when searching for a cure for dis-ease and trying to manifest a happy and healthful life? The old way hasn't given us the cures we desire.

The more I read and learn, the more I find to read and learn about! I'm excited and fascinated by all the information I'm finding. I believe that I've attracted this information to me and now I need to sort through it all and figure out exactly how I'm going to proceed.

I have to say again though, all this information leaves me feeling hopeful and enlightened! As usual, I'll keep you posted.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Eckhart Tolle and Living in the Now

My introduction to Mr. Eckhart Tolle was with the Oprah book club selection "A New Earth". Mind you, I don't even watch Oprah but I somehow stumbled upon this book and her online book club course complete with interviews with the author. And then I decided not to do it. Yet a month or so later I saw the book on Amazon and it was inexpensive enough to take a peek at it. And I'm SO glad I did. The book was so interesting I eventually did sign up for the interviews between Oprah and Eckhart which were extremely helpful in absorbing the information.

Let me just say, I have complained over and over about my incredibly busy noisy mind that just never lets up and tortures me to no end. I had no idea that this book and his other book "The Power of Now" would address this very problem. (After I finished "A New Earth" I wanted more so bought "The Power of Now" and enjoyed it as well.) Both books have totally enlightened me and have made so many things much more clear. And though my little mind is still chattering away trying to mess with me, I know that it is simply my mind and not me. I truly believe that over time it will improve even more.

And I still wanted to learn more, so I rented his DVD set from Netflix "The Flowering of Human Consciousness" which was from a seminar in La Jolla, CA in 2001. Yes, Mr. Tolle has a quiet passive speaking voice, but it's quite soothing at the same time. And the information and how he explains things is extremely helpful. The information from these DVD's are just as pertinent today as when recorded and tie directly to the lessons in both books. I would highly recommend the DVD's if you want to listen to him speak about the information in his books. I also recommend the books. I have re-read parts of them as needed and believe I will continue to re-read sections as needed or until I reach complete enlightenment, which I'm sure will take some time!

How do his books tie to Law of Attraction? The focus is about living in the now. At some point he talks about how we build things from the angst of not wanting to be here right now, but somewhere else, and what we make, build, design, etc. is done with some negative energy resulting in a tainted product or outcome. Where if we totally accept the now, the current moment, and build, design, make things from here, they will be done with much greater ease and with positive energy and the end result will also be very positive. In addition, living in the now also prohibits your mind from talking about those negative things like "I never have enough money", "these bad things always happen to me", etc. Those thoughts certainly don't manifest the positive things you're desiring. So I truly recommend you take a peek at either one of his books and get clear about living in the now. (But don't expect it to happen overnight... it takes time.)

Friday, September 19, 2008

What the Bleep Do We Know?

Last week I watched the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and found it quite enlightening, informative and entertaining. It also made me even more interested in learning more about Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction. It was both a documentary and a story with some humor thrown in there. Marlee Matlin was the main character in the story portions of the movie. I caught part of a documentary about a year or so ago about quantum physics and found it really fascinating. This particular movie helped to explain the basics of it in a really interesting and fun way. It's a great way to introduce yourself to the concepts in the science of Q.P. I would definitely recommend watching it! Here is the trailer to the movie:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My First Mind Movie!

Ta da!!! It's done! I have to tell you that in the end, I didn't use either PowerPoint or Open Office! I don't know why "they" say you need powerpoint to make your mind movie. The software they use does allow you to make text pages (those black pages with the white affirmation text). The only problem I saw is that the actual text on those pages doesn't show while you're working unless you're in a particular mode. Regardless, it worked for me and it took me less time to click on my text slides a little more often than it took me to figure out the whole presentation slide software issue. Also, once my picture slides were in place, I had the text slides memorized that went with each of them.

I know I had said that I was a perfectionist and I didn't want to dream for certain things today. I decided to just focus on what's most important in my life today. Peace, harmony, love and joy in my home as well as perfect health for everyone in my family. Also, gratitude for the wonderful things already in my life.

I hope you'll take a peek. And if you want to see about making your own mind movie, you can still get the details and free mind movies here.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sample Mind Movie - Still Working On Mine

OK, so I'm up again working on my mind movie. I think I'm too much of a perfectionist! I went to look around at other people's mind movies and I feel like I better go back to the drawing board and get more focused and detailed in mine! At the same time, I'm almost afraid to wish for some things because they just might come true! What if I wish for a larger house and I get it. That would mean I have to move and I don't think I want to do that, do I? Or if I wish to travel a couple times a year... I hate traveling with my kids and all their gear! See what I'm saying? I'm comfortable where I am at the moment. I guess I'm realizing that perhaps I'm a little nervous to go beyond my comfort zone! Ahhh, the things we learn when we really start poking around in our minds.

So I thought I'd share Ryan 's wealth video for now until I can finish mine. (Ryan is the guy from Mind Movies.) Thanks for your patience!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mind Movies - Visualization Tool

I have so much to catch you up on to bring you up to date. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about everything I want to share.

For starters, I wanted to let you know that I am in the process of trying out Mind Movies. These are short movies you make yourself that include positive affirmations, photos and music and it all comes together in a very powerful visualization tool. That vision board hanging on my wall in my bedroom doesn't move me nearly as much as these movies do!

So, I went to their website the other day and downloaded six free videos to watch on my computer. The topics of these mind movies are: Friends & Family, Health, Money, Spirituality, Perfect Man, Perfect Woman. Watching these videos just make you feel happy and excited that these things are really a part of your life. They are way more moving than any vision board or affirmations by themselves. You can take a look for yourself by going to Mind Movies.

Another video of interest from the Mind Movies people is an interview with Frank Kern. Their video hit home with me when they talked about how sometimes it seems strange to post vision boards around the house or at work, or to repeat affirmations out loud. It just doesn't feel cool. But... making your own Mind Movie... now that's cool! It's like making your own little music video that inspires you, personally. And it sticks in your head even when you're not watching it. If you have a few minutes you might want to watch this very casual video that talks about how Law of Attraction happened to these guys without even realizing it until after it happened. (That has happened to me too, but that's another post.) The video with Frank Kern can be seen here. You can also access the six free mind movies from this link as well.

My computer time is somewhat limited with the kids and other responsibilities, so I stayed up late last night to work on my Mind Movie. I hope to have it finished in the next day to post and share with all of you.

So far, it's been super easy to put it together, minus one little glitch. My computer doesn't have Power Point on it. The instructions for making your Mind Movie uses Power Point for the affirmations. However, they also offer a work around using the rest of the software. I decided though to take the advice of someone and downloaded Open Office which is free office software and they have an application that works just like Power Point. Being the novice at downloading and setting things up, that took me a little longer than anticipated. I know now it was just my lack of experience and it should have been really simple. But it works great! So now I can complete my Mind Movie just as they instruct even without Power Point!

Back to finding those perfect photo images for my Mind Movie. I'll keep you posted! And again, if you want to check out what a Mind Movie is or what one looks like, check out this link here.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Intentions

My intention for starting this blog is to track my efforts at practicing the law of attraction and seeing what I'm able to manifest in my life. I have dabbled for years reading various spiritual books, but took some time away from that. I have dabbled a while at LOA by watching the Secret but not really doing much actual work with it. But I have recently been feeling really ready to give this 110% of my effort. I know that the law of attraction works even if we aren't thinking about it, it's just that most likely in my life and in most peoples lives, we're manifesting negative things or our routine "boring" lives. (OK, my life isn't boring, it's actually pretty good, but I'm ready to dream bigger!) I'm ready to make some changes in my life and want to stay on target. I'm intending that by journaling my experiences as I go along it'll keep me on track and also give others who are unsure whether or not they believe in LOA the opportunity to watch me under a microscope and see what happens to me. Perhaps then they'll feel safe to jump in the water, or be proved that it's all bunk!