Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My First Mind Movie!

Ta da!!! It's done! I have to tell you that in the end, I didn't use either PowerPoint or Open Office! I don't know why "they" say you need powerpoint to make your mind movie. The software they use does allow you to make text pages (those black pages with the white affirmation text). The only problem I saw is that the actual text on those pages doesn't show while you're working unless you're in a particular mode. Regardless, it worked for me and it took me less time to click on my text slides a little more often than it took me to figure out the whole presentation slide software issue. Also, once my picture slides were in place, I had the text slides memorized that went with each of them.

I know I had said that I was a perfectionist and I didn't want to dream for certain things today. I decided to just focus on what's most important in my life today. Peace, harmony, love and joy in my home as well as perfect health for everyone in my family. Also, gratitude for the wonderful things already in my life.

I hope you'll take a peek. And if you want to see about making your own mind movie, you can still get the details and free mind movies here.

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